Friday, November 9, 2012

FLEX Class Receives a Thank You from Blank Children's Hospital

Ms. Roni Sweeney took advantage of the Flex Class opportunity and designed a class that allows our students to give back to our community.  The Family and Consumer Science Service Projects Class received the following thank you letter from the Blank Children's Hospital.  A big thank you goes out to Ms. Sweeney and her class for doing the "right thing" and helping those in our community who need  it the most!

Thursday, November 8, 2012

SEP Students recognized at Optimist Luncheon

Four SEP students attended Optimist Youth Luncheon in Des Moines to be recognized for their hard work and leadership they display in their building.  There were 66 students recognized from the metro area and four of them were from SEP.  Students recognized from the the junior high were Owen Fischer and Lexi Retz (two students on the right side of the picture).

Congratulations students!

Friday, October 5, 2012

Fall Parent Teacher Conferences - Junior High

Parents and Guardians of 2012-2013 Southeast Polk Junior High Students-

Hard to believe but Parent Teacher Conferences are here!  Southeast Polk Junior High will be holding their Parent Teacher Conferences on Monday (10/8) from 4:30-8:30 p.m. and Wednesday (10/10) from 1:30-8:30 p.m. 

The students will be released on Wednesday at 11:10 a.m. Lunch will NOT be served on Wednesday.  All other days will operate on a typical schedule.  

Maps that indiciate where teachers are located can be found below
Due to the fact that we are having parent teacher conference so close to the end of the first quarter we will NOT be mailing home report cards at the end of the quarter (quarter ends October 19th). 

Any questions or concerns please contact the Southeast Polk Central Office at 515-967-5509.

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Mission Transition Video

We had several 7th and 8th grade students who participated in our Mission Transition program this July 9th -July 13th.  During this time the students developed a "lip dub" that shows some of the programs we have here at SEP Junior High and speaks to our stance on bullying.  The students choreographed this entire video.  Please take a few minutes, sit back and enjoy!

Summer 2012 Mission Transition Video

Sunday, September 2, 2012

Former Junior High Student Excels in Art

Josh Grant completed a self portrait pencil drawing in Ms. Wetzel's 8th grade art class during the 2011-2012 school year. Ms. Wetzel encouraged Josh and his familty to submit Josh's artwork to the fine art contest at the Iowa State Fair.  Josh's art work was displayed at this summer's fair. This is an honor as it is very difficult to have one's artwork displayed.

We wanted to take the time and thank Ms. Wetzel for her hard work with students.  Most of all we would like to congratulate Josh for his accomplishments as a representative of Southeast Polk!

Friday, August 24, 2012

Vocal Music Hits the Ground Running

We would like to welcome Mr. Eric Johnson to Southeast Polk Junior High!  Mr. Johnson has hit the ground running already.  Here is a video clip of some of the things he is accomplishing in his class! Congratulations to Mr. Johnson and his talented students!

Vocal Video From Mr. Johnson

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

2012-2013 School Year is Here!

I hope the school year has started out with a bang and things are going well!
Just a few reminders as we come to the last half of the first week of school-

Pictures- Students will take pictures on Thursday, August 22nd.  Students will be called down to take pictures throughout the day according to grade level and alphabetical order.

Parent Meeting August 27th, 2012- 6:00 p.m. - Orchestra Room. We will have our first Parent Meeting on Monday August 27th at 6:00 p.m. at the Junior High in the Orchestra Room.  We will talk about the student handbook, cover our PBIS System and answer any other questions that parents may have!

Video- The long awaited video that our students made this summer during Mission Transition has FINALLY been released.  Please take a look at what our students were able to develop over the summer- this was all student driven!  Link to Video.

Any questions or concerns do not hesitate to contact us-

Looking forward to a great 2012-2013 school year!

Nathan Ballagh and Mike Dailey
Southeast Polk Junior High
 515-967-5509- main office

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

8th Grade Football Information for 2012

We have posted information regarding the 8th grade football season fast approaching!  If you go to the Junior High Moodle Site (follow the link below) you can find information that Coach Wells has shared with the football team.

Information for 8th Grade 2012 Football

Monday, June 11, 2012

Mission Transition for the 2012-2013 7th Grade Students!

Mission Transition will be occurring at Southeast Polk Junior High from July 9th -July 13th.  We have placed the information regarding Mission Transition on the Moodle Page of the SEP Junior High.  

If you have any further questions feel free to contact the SEP Junior High Offices at 515-967-5509.

Friday, May 4, 2012

Southeast Polk Junior High Teams Shine at Knowledge Bowl Finals

Southeast Polk Junior High Knowledge Bowl teams realized they were facing tough competition when they entered Merle Hay Mall for the Knowledge Bowl Finals. Twelve teams per grade level from an eleven county area were there to face off in six rigorous buzzer rounds after advancing from the computer round of competition held a few weeks earlier. Knowledge Bowl questions covered a range of subject areas and included both factual information and math problem-solving. Two of SEP's three teams qualified for the championship round. The eighth grade team emerged as Knowledge Bowl champions after battling against Brody Middle School and Central Academy, both from the Des Moines Public Schools. This team made history by bringing home SEP's first championship trophy. The top seventh grade team earned third place while competing against Pella Christian and Indian Hills of West Des Moines, receiving a plague in recognition of their outstanding efforts. A third Southeast Polk team  gave a strong showing by earning sixth place in the seventh grade competition. Coach Kathy Wikert was assisted on competition day by Dave Hartman and Mary Owens who served as contest judges.

7th grade team with 3rd place plaque:
front row left to right: Jacob Peake, Jared McDonald
back row left to right: Ethan Owens & Eryn Perry

8th grade team with 1st place trophy:
left to right: Scott Beard, Ryan McClelland, Koy Drabek, Andrew Herrera & Reagan Mackie

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Southeast Polk Junior High
Parent Meeting
JR High Auditorium
6:00 pm
April 30th, 2012 ;

Agenda- black, notes during meeting- red, other feedback- blue

This will be the last Parent Meeting of the 2011-2012 school year!

1) Dan Schultz - will speak to the change of the Transportation Guidelines and cost system.  

2) Registration process for students and their class choices- answer any questions.  

3) Summer efforts for 6th to 7th grade transition.

4) Iowa Test Results.

5) Open floor.

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Pennies for Patients goes Formal

The Southeast Polk Junior High is sponsoring a fundraiser for Pennies for Patients.  Teachers and students alike are able to donate money and then wear clothes that fit the theme for the day.  Themes have ranged from favorite sports team to formal wear.

Below you will find some of Southeast Polk Junior High's finest!

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Diversity Day Hits SEP Junior High!

On March 28th the Southeast Polk Junior High welcomed Diversity Day.  On this day guest speakers with a broad spectrum of various elements of diversity filled our school.  It was an incredible learning experience for the students and staff alike.  Words can not always do justice to all events so we have included pictures to help explain the wide range of opportunities that existed that day.

A huge thank you goes out to Ms. Wikert and the Diversity Committee who organized this event!

Koy Drabek is wrapped in blanket and headdress of Northwest Native Americans.

Derek Hammer, Noelle Ortega and Carly Felice portray villagers and anthropologists.

Garrett Pierce with David Graham, Wheelchair Vet

International Student Syuzanna Grigoryan, Armenia

Stephanie Lyons, Deaf Services of Iowa

Kenny Lloyd and David Graham, Wheelchair Vets with Kenny's guide dog, Callie

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Coach Borrison inducted into Iowa Girls Basketball Hall of Fame

On Saturday, March 31st, Todd Borrison of Southeast Polk Community School District was inducted into the Iowa Girls Basketball Hall of Fame.  Mr. Borrison is a physical education instructor at Southeast Polk Junior High as well as the girls varsity coach.  Todd is also one of eight finalists for the National Coach of the Year which will be given away in July 2012.

We are proud to have Coach Borrison as part of the Southeast Polk Junior Staff and appreciate everything he does for our students. Go Rams!

Saturday, March 10, 2012

6th Grade Transition Begins

As the days tick away for the 2011-2012 school year, preparations are being made to be ready for the transition of the 6th grade students to Southeast Polk Junior High.  Below is a letter that outlines the steps that will be taken between here and the end of this school year.  If you have any questions or concerns you are always welcome to contact us at your convenience.

Please notice that we would love to have the 6th grade parents join us at our next Parent Meeting on March 26th to discuss the transition and any questions they may have about the junior high!

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Southeast Polk Junior High
Parent Meeting
JH High Room 180
6:00 pm
February 27th, 2012 ;

Agenda- black, notes during meeting- red, other feedback- blue

We will be discussing-
1)  PBIS
2)  Issues and concerns of Contriband at SEP Junior High
3)  Bullying suggestions/issues at school- steps and procedures

Open Floor

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Junior High Parent Teacher Conferences- Spring 2012

Southeast Polk Junior High will be holding Parent Teacher Conferences on Monday (February 13th) and Wednesday (February 15th).  The instructors will be available for conferences on Monday from 4:00 p.m.- 8:00 p.m. and on Wednesday from 12:30p.m.- 7:30 p.m.

As parents enter the building through the main entrance (glass doors by the gyms) there will be information such as maps of teacher seating (below) and teacher contact information. The general locations will be-

8th grade instructors in the West Gym
7th grade instructors in the Cafeteria
Those instructors who have both 7th and 8th grade students and instruct music will be in the East Gym.

Due to these conferences we will release our students on Wednesday at 11:12 a.m.

A map of the location of the teachers can be seen below.

Any questions or concerns feel free to contact the Southeast Polk Junior High Main Office at 515-967-5509 at your convenience!

Saturday, January 28, 2012

SEP Junior High Spelling Bee Champions

Please congratulate our Spelling Bee grade level champions and runner-ups!  These students won the competition in their individual Language Arts classes. The students then advanced to compete against other class winners to establish themselves as the best spellers in their grade.

A huge thank you goes out to Ms. Wikert and our Language Arts teachers who make this possible. 

7th grade Winner:  Sam Straw
7th grade Runner-up: Sydney Clifton

8th grade Winner:  Nolan Bulver
8th grade Runner-up:  Pete Ruden

SEP Junior High Apparel Opportunity

The Southeast Polk Junior High would like to present you the opportunity to order apparel that is SEP Junior High specific.  You can find the order form on the Junior High Moodle Site (it is a PDF file in the middle of the page)-

The order forms and payment can be dropped off to Trish Borrison in the main office of the Junior High.

Although the form states a deadline of 1/31/12, we will extend that deadline to February 3rd to allow for more time to order.

Any questions contact Trish Borrison at 515-967-5509 extension 2506.

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

iPad Implementation at the Junior High

Through creative fundraising over time at the SEP Junior High, the implementation of iPads is moving from a wish to a reality.  Students at the Junior High will have the opportunity to utilize iPads in the classroom during the second and third trimesters of the 2011-2012 school year.  The Jr. High recently purchased 120 iPads for teacher and student use.  Each teacher received an iPad on Tuesday, January 3rd.  The reasoning behind the teachers having initial access to the iPads is to assist in the comfort level of instructors using this tool in the classroom. Jamie Fath, SEP’s instructional technology coach, will work closely with building administrators Mike Dailey and Nathan Ballagh to provide professional development for the teachers as they explore this innovative tool in the classroom.  The emphasis of the professional development will focus on utilizing the technology within instructional lessons and units.  There will also be a sharing of ideas with other districts who have moved forward with iPad initiatives in their schools. 

In the coming weeks two iPad carts will be ready for student use. Teachers will then have the opportunity to implement what they have learned through their professional development and exploration with the iPads into their instruction.  The future plans are to place the iPads used by the teachers into carts for the building that will provide even more availability of iPads to the students. 

The need of today's instructional arena  is to move technology into the classroom and put it at the students' fingertips.  This is in contrast to the current situation of having technology stored in a room that students must be taken to so it can be utilized.  The iPad will provide the needed flexibility and accessibility in the classrooms that our students need.  To learn more about the iPad and what it can do in the classroom, feel free to contact the Junior High administration at your convenience or attend the Parent Meeting at the Junior High scheduled for Monday, January 30th at 6:00 p.m.
Teachers use iPads during the January 3rd Professional Development time. 
Teachers us iPads to discuss SEP Junior High survey results.