Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Broadsides Hit SEP Junior High!

The Southeast Polk 8th grade class participated in an event called Broadsides.  The students developed an opinionated/argumentative song reflecting their feelings  about the Revolutionary War, the British attempt of control and the major characters involved. Students wrote their songs, practiced and then were given the opportunity to compete against other groups in their class.  The winning groups were filmed so that all could see their efforts.

Below are a couple video clips of the students practicing.

Exploring the World of Technology

On the morning of Monday,  November 21st, several representatives from Southeast Polk Community School District had the opportunity to visit Waverly Shell Rock Middle School.  Waverly Shell Rock has a Middle School that consists of  six hundred 5th - 8th grade students that have a 1 to 1 initiative with iPads.  It was very interesting to see what the students were engaged in during class time and the in depth conversations that centered around the content of the classes we observed.

At times in a 1 to 1 setting, technology can become the focal point of instruction rather than the tool that assists learning.  It was good to see that Waverly Shell Rock was indeed using the iPad as a tool and that learning was the focus of the school day, not the technology as a "toy".

Below is a picture of those from Southeast Polk who had the opportunity to witness the student focused classrooms and how the iPad was used. Notice the markerboard tables and the "wobble" stools that were present in all classrooms for student comfort.

Below are Waverly Shell Rock students practicing their class presentation that they were able to video on an iPad.  These students were able to critique themselves before presenting to their entire class through the use of the iPad.

Saturday, November 19, 2011

English Finds the Core

On a Saturday there are many things that teachers could be doing. In the top 25 you will probably NOT find meetings for six hours and discussing ninety standards in the Iowa Core that impact our English Classes. That, however, is exactly what members of the English Department did. Amanda Leaming,Angela Shannon, Leslie Debrower, Mary Wood and Beth Jones from the Junior High met eith teachers K-12 District wide. The future looks bright at SEP as teachers continue to do what is in the best interest of the students.

For more information On the Iowa Core please see the link below-
Iowa Core

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Technology in the Classroom-Where The Future Lies

The students of today are constantly "plugged in".  The use of iPhones, iPads, iPods, internet and any other digital gadget you can think of is prevalent.  This is not only the present way of life for our students but the future.  Education has, at times, taken a backseat in the technology realm.  Studies show that students are the most "unplugged' in their lives while in the school setting.  What are we going to do about the fact of something that is so important to the future of our students' lives is not being taught in our classrooms?  Technology needs to be taught.  Students need to know the "correct" and productive way to use the technology at their fingertips.   Use technology as a tool not a toy.

Administrators at Southeast Polk meet throughout the school year to learn great ways to utilize technology for their teachers and students.  Below is a picture of a group of administrators wading through the technology pool.  Through visionary leadership Southeast Polk will try to stay on the course of technology in the educational setting!

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Students Compete in Quiz Bowl for SEP Junior High

The recent Thinking Cap Quiz Bowl competition resulted in our school's highest finish ever!  Our top two 7th grade teams earned both first and second place while competing against 20 teams from across the state of Iowa. Our top 8th grade team also was the high finisher in their division, beating out 31 teams for first place honors. 

Thinking Cap Quiz Bowl is a family of games of questions and answers on all topics of human knowledge that is commonly played by students enrolled in high school or college, although some participants begin in middle or even elementary school. Participants may benefit from studying a broad range of academic subjects, increasing memorization and study skills, learning to work in teams and expanding capacity for responsibility.

Congratulations students!

Saturday, November 5, 2011

Math, Math and More Math

On Saturday November 5th, math teachers district wide met to discuss the expectations of the Common Core and the impact that will have on the instruction that occurs in the classroom.  Discussions were had regarding the priorities of instruction that need to exist and how that is going to shape the future of math for our SEP students.  It is very impressive to see professionals work together for the improvement of education for our kids.  Good day to be an educator!

For more information regarding the Common Core and ways that you can help yourself or your student in math please see the following links:

Common Core State Standards Link
Iowa Department of Education - Iowa Core
iXL Math- Opportunities to practice and improve at Math

SEP Junior High Math Teachers work on the Common Core and strategies of instruction.