Southeast Polk Junior High Parent-Teacher Conferences will be held Monday, October 10th from 4:00-8:00 pm and Wednesday, October 12th from 12:30-7:30 pm.
As parents enter the building through the main entrance (glass doors by the gyms) there will be information such as maps of teacher seating (below) and teacher contact information. The general locations will be-
7th grade instructors in the West Gym
8th grade instructors in the Cafeteria
Those instructors who have both 7th and 8th grade students will be in the East Gym.
Students will be released from classes on Wednesday, Oct. 12th at 11:12 a.m. to accommodate for conferences. School will not be in session on Friday, Oct. 14th
Due to the tight schedule of school being dismissed and conferences beginning on Wednesday Oct. 12th, we will be providing a meal for our teachers here at the building. If you would like to provide a donation to help pay for this meal feel free to stop by the main office. Checks can be made out to SEPJH. Our teachers appreciate the support you give them throughout the year and we would like to thank you in advance!
If you have any questions feel free to contact the Southeast Polk Junior High Main Office at 515-967-5509.